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The whole truth about ski holidays in South Korea: features, programs, tips

“National Tourism Organization of Korea” (Moscow representative office), LjN8K8TqX Every year more and more Russians explore the ski resorts of South Korea. They go for good trails, developed infrastructure, bright Apres-ski. Meanwhile, for most Russian skaters, ski Korea still remains a mystery. Detailed “guesses” will be given by the National Tourism Organization of Korea (NOTK) […]

Expedition cruise to the North Pole next summer

LLC “PEKS”, LjN8K9Uax The Polar Travel Club invites you to a place where you have definitely not been yet! An expedition cruise to the North Pole aboard the most powerful nuclear icebreaker next summer! For 25 years now, the Polar Travel Club has been organizing expedition cruises to the Arctic and Antarctica. Today, the Club

Electronic boarding pass: when it is needed and where it is completely useless

Vnukovo Airport on November 11 announced that the ability to use electronic Boarding has also become available to passengers of international flights. But there is a caveat. In which cases this service can be useful, where it is available, and when it does not make sense at all, we tell you in our review. The

Russians show a high interest in foreign cruises

Cruise Booking Center LLC, LjN8JsyTz Experts of the Infoflot cruise center note the growing interest of tourists in foreign cruises and cruise tours.  “We see a great demand among agents and their tourists for cruises, which have already become an excellent alternative to classic winter destinations such as Egypt and the UAE. This is due

UAE and Cyprus: educational tours abroad for children and adults

Datrevel LLC”, LjN8KHkha Studying abroad is not only about getting a high–quality education, according to high academic standards, but also a new, useful experience – immersion in a new culture, overcoming language and cultural barriers, adapting to an unusual environment and gaining international experience. All this has a positive impact on further personal growth and

Winter holidays in Dubai: where to go and what to see

Representative office of Action Global Communications Ltd, LjN8KFrtT Representative office of Action Global Communications Ltd, LjN8KFrtT Representative office of Action Global Communications Ltd, LjN8KFrtT Representative office of Action Global Communications Ltd, LjN8KFrtT Representative office of Action Global Communications Ltd, LjN8KFrtT Previous Next Previous Next We present to your attention the special project “Winter in Dubai:

ATOR: the entry flow of foreigners on an electronic visa may increase by 5-7%

The list of new 11 countries was approved by the Decree of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, whose citizens will be able to come to Russia by applying for a single electronic visa. According to the calculations of the ATOR Analytical Service, the incoming flow with tourist and business purposes using

CHINA TRAVEL. Celebrating Chinese New Year in China: tours under warranty

China Travel LLC, LjN8KHS8b At the end of January, one of the most interesting holidays of our time will come – the Chinese New Year. It is brightly and beautifully celebrated in many countries, and it is becoming more popular in Russia every year. But there is simply no better place to celebrate the holiday

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