Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

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In June, an advertising tour to Kamchatka was held for agents of the Russian Express tour operator. In less than a week, the group climbed Mount Camel, went halibut fishing, and some even flew by helicopter. For more information, see the article.

Black Beach and Camel Mountain

Most of the travel agents arrived at Kamchatka Elizovo airport from Moscow, the flight took eight hours, and the time difference on the spot was nine hours. The airport is quite small, but a new modern terminal is due to open soon. The approximate date is December of this year.

The first thing the group did was visit Halakatyrsky beach. It is loved by surfers because of the beautiful waves, and the sand there is volcanic black, and it warms up well in summer. The sand is titanium-magnetite, attracted by a magnet. In ancient times, Japanese samurai made swords out of it. Despite the water and air temperature of about 7-9 degrees, two colleagues took a swim in the Pacific Ocean.

Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

On the second day, the group went to conquer Mount Camel, which is part of the Nalychev Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The travel agents were taken away by shift buses based on KAMAZ, whose cross—country ability is higher than that of jeeps. It was 3.5 km to go to the top, there was snow in the mountains, but all the participants coped! On the way, the group met ground squirrels, which the locals call evrazhki, admired the mountain flowers and halos.

Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

Upon returning to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, travel agents inspected the three-star Avacha and Commander hotels. The first hotel is located in the city center, it houses the office of the host company. The rooms of the second hotel offer a stunning view of the bay.

Rafting and helicopter flight

The next day, the group went to the Vilyuchinsky volcano, which is popular for freeriding among skiers and snowboarders in winter. There is a lot of snow there in summer, including a unique pink one. This color is given to it by the algae chlamydomonas.

After visiting the Krechet recreation center, popular with fishermen due to the presence of five boats and proximity to the reservoir, the group was waiting for rafting on the Bystrica River. The river trip was quite calm, the travel agents threw spinning rods — however, they did not catch anyone: the fish will enter the river to spawn in July.

Part of the group decided on the same day to fly to the Valley of Geysers by helicopter for an additional fee and was delighted with the trip.

Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

Next, the travel agents went to the Laguna 4* spa Hotel in the village of Paratunka on the shore of Lake Mikizha. The hotel has many buildings — from very budget to designer houses with their own font with thermal water and a barbecue area.

Halibut fishing

The group spent the last day of the excursion on a boat trip along the Avacha Bay — the “gate” of the Kamchatka Territory. We were lucky to see many birds and animals — white-shouldered eagles, hatchets, spotted seals and sea otters. But fishing turned out to be even more interesting, where luck smiled on everyone: The travel agents caught several flounders, cod, pollock and halibut. The group had lunch with crabs and chinook soup.

Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

And in the evening, the travel agents went to the Eyvet ethnocomplex, where the sled dog kennel is located. Now there are 84 of them, all of them are mestizos. The day ended with a traditional Koryak dinner: the group tasted red fish soup with seal fat and seaweed, pickled willow tea, nettles, honeysuckle tincture with wild raspberries.

“The land where everything was struck”

“Kamchatka is the land where everything was struck: the power of dormant volcanoes, the ocean, which is not always Quiet, a unique natural world. And most importantly, people who convey their love for their native land and its history to everyone who comes to visit. I sincerely thank Russian Express for the opportunity to get to know this amazing part of Russia better,” Elena Yankina from the Aviatour 38 agency in Bratsk shared her impressions of the tour.

Azamat Sabirov from the Avit agency in Kazan noticed that on one peninsula tourists can feel both the coolness of the mountains and the warmth of a hot spring.

Crabs, shifts and pink snow: Russian Express took travel agents to Kamchatka

And Alfiya Shulyndina from Shamray Tour in Neftekamsk spoke about the high interest of tourists in Kamchatka.

“Now I am sure that Kamchatka is one of the most amazing places in Russia, and maybe even in the world. I thank Russian Express for the opportunity to experience its scale! The work of the host and the accommodation were impeccable,” she added.

According to Marina Bril from the Aletta agency in Balashikha, Kamchatka is a separate region with unique flora and fauna, where Kolyma is on the left, Chukotka is on top, America is on the right, and Japan is on the bottom. She will not leave anyone who visits here indifferent.

All tours to Kamchatka from the Russian Express can be viewed on the website.

Photos provided by Russian Express

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