Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Holidays in Egypt are rightfully considered a popular favorite among tourists from Russia. A hot climate with the opportunity to wait out the cold winter, diving in the Red Sea, ancient monuments of the pharaohs and ultra comfortable all-inclusive hotels. This is only a part of what the Arab country offers. They fly here for New Year’s holidays, on their honeymoon, and just take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle on the luxurious beaches.


In promotional brochures, tours to Egypt are often called year-round, and this is partly true. The country has a subtropical climate with extremely hot summers and moderately warm winters.

However, there is one factor to be reckoned with – the Sahara Desert, it sets its own weather rules for resorts.

Egypt in spring

Spring in the resorts of Egypt is a changeable time when the pleasant winter warmth gradually gives way to the impending summer heat. If sandstorms have not started due to the Khamsin winds, you can safely rest at the end of April and on May holidays. March can be too unpredictable, especially away from the seashore.

Since April, the usual temperature of + 28 degrees has been set during the day, but the sea is noticeably cooler, it is better to swim in a dosed manner. By May, the water on the shallows warms up to the state of fresh milk: +25…+27 degrees. But it is no longer safe to walk or sunbathe for a long time without a protective cream, ultraviolet light does not spare.

Egypt in summer

Summer weather in Egypt is not for hypertensive patients and those who can’t stand the heat. The desert sun heats the air to an average of +40 degrees, walking through temples and around the pyramids becomes physically difficult. Hotels in resorts are getting cheaper, so you can choose good hotels with air-conditioned rooms, a green area, a swimming pool in the courtyard.

It is most comfortable to relax in the summer in Hurghada. But only until the middle of July. The sea is warm here, up to +33 degrees on the shallows, so you can swim and scuba dive. In Sharm el-Sheikh, the air is more humid, so the heat is felt more strongly, and some hotels are completely closed for the holidays until autumn.

Egypt in autumn

Starting from mid-September Egypt is actively returning tourist flows. The air cools down slightly compared to the August extreme, and the weather is generally similar to spring. The first month of autumn is considered to be the calmest of the year – there are no strong winds, which means that the sea waves do not bother fans of “chill”.

October and November are the unspoken “velvet” season, when the weather in Sharm el-Sheikh is 100% sunny, and the sea is steadily warmed up to +26 degrees. The newlyweds fell in love with the end of autumn for their honeymoon – dizzyingly romantic sunsets on the Red Sea are difficult to compare with anything similar.

Egypt in winter

Winter in Egypt is a time of paradoxes. With the onset of December, locals try not to appear on the beaches at all, walk around the city in windbreakers, but Europeans, on the contrary, occupy coastal hotels. The peak of the influx is on New Year and Christmas, the latter is celebrated by Egyptians according to Orthodox tradition on January 7.

January – February is not the best time to swim in the sea for a long time, the water cools down to +23…+24 degrees, and it is often more pleasant to stay in a heated pool. There are strong winds after sunset, which is why there are so many photos of tourists in autumn jackets (an experienced travel agent will help you choose hotels in bays protected from the winds). In the daytime, on the contrary, it is comfortable to sunbathe and go on excursions.

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Egypt, Sinai coast. Photo courtesy of TEZ Tour (source – flickr.com )


Holidays in Egypt are a welcome vacation for many. The country is sincerely loved, and travelers have many objective reasons to choose this destination:

  • Simplified visa regime for Russians. You can get a visa for a month in your passport upon arrival, the service costs only 25 USD. If you are flying to Sharm el Sheikh and do not plan to leave the resort, then the “Sinai stamp” is enough. It’s free. You can also travel around the region with him and look into Dahab, Tabu, Nuweiba or St. Catherine’s Monastery.
  • There is no language barrier within the resort area. Tourists from Russia are a priority for local hoteliers, most hotels from 4* and above have Russian-speaking staff. Somewhere in Hurghada, even in grocery stores and beauty salons, you will definitely see signs in Cyrillic.
  • The all-inclusive concept is great for a family holiday. It is slightly different from the Turkish one, there are Mini and Maxi labels, but at least the guests will have breakfast and dinner at the buffet. 5* Deluxe hotels can provide “dry rations” for a planned excursion or feed guests on the beaches.
  • Speaking of beaches. They are almost everywhere wide and sandy in Egypt, bright golden in color. White sand is less common, mainly in Sinai. The infrastructure is developing every season – there is less and less wild coast, more and more soft sun loungers and branded umbrellas with palm leaves.
  • Diving in the Red Sea is a visit to a unique biosystem where corals and thousands of underwater inhabitants of all colors of the rainbow live. Each resort has its own dive clubs with instructors. You can get a certificate by learning the basics of scuba diving or upgrade your skill in difficult areas.
  • Ancient Egyptian temples and pyramids. It is better to see once than to tell a thousand times – the tomb of Hatshepsut, Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, the pyramids of Giza. Excursions require endurance, bus transfers or domestic flights, and walking under the scorching African sun is not a joke, but the result is definitely worth it.

The downside of such splendor is a number of disadvantages and difficulties that you will have to take for granted in order not to spoil your vacation:

  • Exorbitant security measures – after the infamous events of 2015, several stages of verification and full inspection are waiting for tourists at every airport in Egypt, up to hand luggage. Hence the constant queues.
  • In summer, due to the desert climate, it is very hot, in March in April and sometimes in October there are sandstorms. If you are not ready to stay in a hotel for a week, it is better to choose other months for a comfortable trip and carefully watch the weather on online services.
  • The specific mentality of the Egyptian Arabs. When you go to the bazaar, get ready to bargain to the last for every date, it’s the way it is here. Baksheesh (tips) are begged by everyone, including small children – do not be fooled by eyes full of sorrow, thank only after the service rendered.

Finally, do not forget that Egypt is a country of fairly strict Muslim laws. Outside the beaches, girls are not recommended to appear in too revealing clothes. When visiting attractions related to Islam, for example, in Cairo, observe the dress code – a headscarf on women’s heads, hands and feet are covered.


So, trips to Egypt are definitely worthy of your attention. But which resort to choose if you have never been there? There is no definite answer, because cities offer a variety of formats – from classic beach tours to immersion in ancient history at excavation sites. And we haven’t mentioned Nile cruises yet!


Tours to Hurghada are a good choice, this resort is one of the two most popular Egyptian holiday destinations among Russians.

The resort has gathered the best hotels in the price–quality ratio, there are many well-groomed sandy beaches, and good all-inclusive accommodation options. And from Hurghada it is most convenient to get to Luxor, the temple of Hatshepsut, the Valley of the Kings and other legendary places of antiquity.

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Egypt, Hurghada resort. Photo courtesy of TEZ Tour (source – flickr.com )


  • All-inclusive tours to Egypt departing in November are sold for almost half the price of October
  • How much are all-inclusive tours to the Egyptian Maldives during the velvet season
  • Egypt wants to compete with Turkey in the summer and is building another resort on the Mediterranean coast

Sharm el Sheikh

Once tours to Sharm el Sheikh were strictly associated with luxury Egyptian tourism, but today the situation has changed.

The young resort still offers the best 5* hotels, but there are many available options. There is excellent service and excellent opportunities for diving and sailing on snow-white yachts.

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh. Photo courtesy of TEZ Tour (source – flickr.com )

El Gouna

A trip to the “Egyptian Venice” – this is how most of the texts begin, where tours to El Gouna are advertised.

It’s hard to argue with them – this fashionable resort north of Hurghada, with its canals, does somewhat resemble the famous Italian city. There is everything for a relaxing luxury holiday.

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Egypt, El Gouna resort. Photo courtesy of TEZ Tour (source – flickr.com )


A couple of hours drive from Sharm el Sheikh, there is an amazing place where time seems to take us into an oriental fairy tale.

Tours to Dahab are peace in the bosom of Sinai nature, cozy beaches and a great chance to see Egypt without the hotel gloss. It is from here that the most popular pilgrimage routes to Sinai start.

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Egypt, Dahab resort. Photo courtesy of TEZ Tour (source – flickr.com )

Marsa Alam

Tour to Marsa Alam, south of Hurghada, is a relatively new but very interesting destination.

The former fishing village is now actively being built up by hotels, so guests have a chance to live in a brand new building. And yes, the atmosphere of privacy is guaranteed – mostly couples without children come here.

Where is the best place to relax in Egypt in 2024-2025

Egypt, Marsa Alam resort. Photo courtesy of TEZ Tour (source – flickr.com )

Editorial office of the ATOR Bulletin

Cover photo: flickr.com, provided by TEZ TOUR

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