In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

The correspondent of Vestnik ATOR, who recently returned from her first trip to Jordan, admitted that the country, which had never been on her list of desirable vacation destinations, turned out to be so fascinating that she did not want to part with it. The camera was working without a break for lunch. We offer to admire it together. 

The idea to invite representatives of the Russian travel industry on a study trip to Jordan arose from the airline Jazeera Airways. The carrier offers flights to Amman with convenient connections in Kuwait and aims to make the most interesting destinations available to more Russians. The idea of Jazeera Airways was very gladly supported by the Jordan Tourism Authority.

The result was a journey that left the tour participants with the most pleasant aftertaste and memories.

Now, it seems, the whole world should know how great it is to play with your own shadow in the sunset desert of Wadi Rum, how unexpectedly pleasant it is to splash through puddles on the paths of ancient Petra in the pouring rain, how sweet and sound you sleep after bathing in the Jordan, how at ease you feel standing on top of the amphitheater in Amman…

Or how you can’t get up from the table after once again being unable to resist Jordanian freshly baked bread, meat, snacks and other delicacies. 

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Jordanian bread is the head of everything. Majdoline Restaurant. Amman. Photo ATOR


The Wadi Rum desert, strewn with colorful dunes and cascading cliffs, is a storehouse of stories. The most diverse and ancient. Here you can see the famous Hejaz Railway, reminiscent of the century-old conflict that helped shape the modern Middle East. There is an incredible collection of petroglyphs and inscriptions, an endless starry sky and deafening silence.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

The famous Hijaz Railway. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Bedouin in the Wadi Rum desert. Photo: ATOR,

In the UNESCO-listed Wadi Rum, of course, you can write your own history. More precisely, to write yourself into the history of this Martian universe, to leave your mark. Or rather, a shadow. Shadow games are truly fun entertainment in the desert half an hour before sunset.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Shadow games in the Wadi Rum desert. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Sunset in the Wadi Rum desert. Photo: ATOR

There is such a film “Shadow Games”, but it was not shot in Wadi Rum. However, even without this picture, the desert has an impressive cinematic experience.

The Oscar-winning film “Lawrence of Arabia” was shot here, as well as “Transformers”, “The Red Planet”, “Last Days on Mars”, “The Martian”, etc.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Tourists travel through the Wadi Rum desert in off-road vehicles. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Landscapes of the Wadi Rum desert. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Ancient rock carvings in the Wadi Rum desert. Photo: ATOR

In addition to Hollywood stars who appear in the desert with enviable regularity, there are many real stars in Wadi Rum. You can watch them, for example, lying on a bed in your camp.

There are many camps in the desert. We tested the Sun City Camp. It’s a great place, and the food is delicious. They treat you to mutton with vegetables baked in the ground.


It is also very difficult to believe in the reality of what is happening in the ancient city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, located 1.5 hours away from the Wadi Rum desert.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

In the ancient city of Petra. Photo: ATOR

The ancient capital of the Nabataean kingdom, carved right into the rocks more than 2 thousand years ago, looks like a mirage, something absolutely perfect and immensely magical.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

On a horse by Petra. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Camels in Petra. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Walking along Petra. Photo: ATOR

The transport allowed in Petra is horses, donkeys, camels and small cars. If you crave emotions and want to feel the atmosphere of the place, do not use any of them. Go on foot. Even if it starts to rain heavily, go ahead.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

The mausoleum of El Khazneh (according to legend – allegedly the treasury of the Pharaoh, in fact – a temple of the Hellenistic era) in the rain. Photo: ATOR

In the rain, giant red mountains and temples carved into them thousands of years ago, mausoleums acquire an even more mysterious appearance. You walk, looking at the life of this fascinating world and feel how your imagination begins to play out in full force, taking you somewhere in the distant past, and maybe into the future.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Mysterious Petra. Jordan. Photo: ATOR

Walking in the rain in Petra feels a bit like bathing in the Jordan River. The same lightness appears.


There are usually many people who want to plunge into the Jordan River, having passed the symbolic rite of baptism in the very place where Jesus Christ once received it from John the Baptist. We were lucky – we took a dip together.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

By the Jordan River in Jordan. Photo: ATOR

It is difficult to talk about feelings. They defy verbal description. It just became very light and light in my soul. And I wanted to smile a lot.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

The place of Christ’s baptism on the Jordan River, Jordan. Photo: ATOR

In general, the Jordanian side of the Jordan River, unlike the Israeli side, is practically untouched, pristine. The minimal amount of infrastructure perfectly reflects the spirit of the place.

You can take a dip in the river in any suitable clothes (a long T-shirt, for example), or buy a shirt, it costs $ 20. The water is cool. The depth is waist–deep.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

One minute before ablution in the Jordan River, Jordan. Photo: ATOR

Jordan is the only river that flows into the Dead Sea. By the way, these two locations are comfortably combined. You can go to the Dead Sea right after Jordan.


It doesn’t matter what you expect from the Dead Sea, the lowest place on the planet – health benefits or the beauty of the scenery – it is magnificent in any of its manifestations. We were waiting for emotions and fun. And they took us over completely.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

View of the Dead Sea in Jordan. Photo: ATOR

By the way, you can not plunge into the Dead Sea with your head (you will burn your skin and eyes). You need to put your hands behind your head and lie down. Having previously smeared with therapeutic mud. The water in the sea is, of course, very salty (about 8 times saltier than the water in the Mediterranean Sea), and also oily. But useful.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Swimming in the Dead Sea, Jordan. Photo: ATOR

The air is also excellent. It is free of impurities and impurities here and contains 10-20 times more bromine than in any other place. That’s why you feel calm here and sleep very soundly.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Clean Dead Sea air. Photo: ATOR.jpg

The hotels by the sea are decent. If you choose Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea 5*, get ready to eat delicious and varied meals, watch the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets and swim in the pool overlooking the stunning Dead Sea.


There is such an expression – aggressive cheerfulness. This is when you want to share your joy and vivid impressions with absolutely every person in this world. This is exactly the state that captured us on Mount Nebo at the moment of admiring the panorama opening near the temple of Moses.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

The Staff of Moses on Mount Nebo in Jordan (of course, a monument to him). Photo: ATOR

Mount Nebo is the highest point on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. But it’s not difficult to get up here – a few minutes on an asphalt road. Here, on Mount Nebo, according to legend, the prophet Moses saw the Promised Land and died. Ancient mosaics await tourists in the temple of the same name.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Temple of Moses on Mount Nebo. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Ancient mosaic in the temple of Moses. Photo: ATOR

The history of the production of natural stone mosaics originates in Jordan, in the city of Madaba, located just 7 km from Mount Nebo. The most famous mosaics of Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and Byzantium were laid out by craftsmen from Madaba.

One of the most famous mosaics is located in the Orthodox Church of St. George. On it is a map of the Holy Land and its surroundings according to the idea of Christians of the first centuries. 

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

View from Mount Moses, Jordan. Photo: ATOR

You can buy interesting mosaic paintings in Madaba’s workshops. There are quite a lot of them. Before buying, you can see how unique works of art are created.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

The process of making a mosaic painting. Jordan. Photo: ATOR

The masters will be happy to talk to you. People in Jordan are generally very nice. And, importantly, if we are talking about buying souvenirs, they are absolutely not intrusive.


Let’s continue about people. The locals of Jordan are really sincere and very positive. You are walking, say, through the historical center of Amman, past souvenir shops, and you are given postcards as a gift.

The seller jokes: “This is for you from a Bedouin mafia.” And then he laughs loudly. And you laugh with him.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Bedouin in the Wadi Rum desert. Photo: ATOR

There are many Bedouins in Jordan. It is very interesting to observe their life in the Wadi Rum desert, where they have lived for thousands of years. And they continue to live the same way as it was centuries ago. Bedouins smile a lot too.

In Jordan, tourists are always smiling and many people know Russian. You walk through the bazaar, choose dates, halva, fabrics, cosmetics and from all sides in Russian – “Hello”, “Hello”, “Hello”.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Roman Amphitheater in Amman. Photo: ATOR

Even at the top of the amphitheater in Amman, a surviving legacy of the Roman era, we heard a Russian “Hello” from beautiful Jordanian women.

In general, Amman, of course, cannot be called a great cultural center. Among the iconic ancient sights here is the citadel, towering over the city on the hill of Jabal al-Qalaa, the ruins of a small Byzantine basilica, the ruins of a palace park and the Roman temple of Hercules.

Amman is very different. The western part of the city is full of trendy cafes, restaurants, art galleries, luxury houses. East Amman is more conservative and modest – with houses huddled on the hills and narrow paths squeezing past them.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

View of Amman from the castle mountains. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Ruins of the Temple of Hercules in Amman. Photo: ATOR

You feel comfortable and absolutely safe in the city, even late at night and even alone. The country is democratic and peaceful.


340 km from Amman, on the shores of the Red Sea, there is the resort of Aqaba with good hotels, restaurants, shops, beaches.

Most of the beaches belong to hotels, the rest are publicly accessible. But they are mostly used by local residents.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Landscapes of Aqaba, Jordan. Photo: ATOR

Tourists who live in city hotels, go to beach clubs, diving centers. One of the most popular beach clubs is Berenice Beach Club. In addition to beach holidays, there is a diving school there.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

City beach in Aqaba. Photo: ATOR

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Beach at Berenice Beach Club. Photo: ATOR

There are about 7 scuba diving centers in Aqaba offering training according to the standards of the PADI, SSI or BS-AC associations.

However, you can do with snorkeling. The reefs are very close to the shore and it will not be difficult to plunge into the colorful underwater world. We were snorkeling near the Tala Bay resort. By the way, you can now book a room there with a 40% discount.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Fortress in the center of Aqaba. Photo: ATOR

Walks around the historical city center perfectly diversify beach holidays. There is an ancient fortress (Mamluk Fort) next to the beautiful embankment. The ruins of Ayla, an ancient city of pre-biblical times, are also interesting, on the site of which modern Aqaba is now located.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Delicious Jordanian bread. Photo: ATOR

You definitely need to make a trip to local restaurants. They are different and the cuisine there is good. Be careful with the bread. It’s so delicious that it’s impossible to stop. No kidding.

If desired, you can go to the golf course at the Ayla resort or visit the House of Roses. Creative women of Jordan live in the House of Ladies Roses Association and the works of creative people from all over the country are presented there.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Henna drawings in the house of creative women in Aqaba. Photo: ATOR

Guests see the process of making bread, buy all kinds of handmade products, take pictures. Henna drawings are applied to the girls, and over a delicious dinner, a talented musician plays a melody on an ancient instrument.

In Jordan with a camera: 40 pictures from a mysterious country

Delicious homemade dinner at the House of Ladies Roses Association. Photo: ATOR

The hostess of the house, saying goodbye to us, said: “Always try to look at your life through the eyes of an artist, discover the world again and again and love.” There is nothing to add. Except for “what we wish you all.”

Alexandra Polyanskaya

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